Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Exhilarating Expedition

I woke up at three in the morning to find my sister’s pointy knees in my stomach and her voice in my ear. “ MARLEY, ITS TIME TO WAKE UP AND IF YOU STAY IN BED WE’LL MISS THE PLANE AND MAMA AND PAPA WILL BE REALLY MAD AT YOUUU!!!” yelled my smallest sister Lucia, and then she sank her tiny little fist into my stomach. I groaned and rolled over, it felt like I had only been asleep for a minute when in reality I had been asleep for many, many hours.

After a while a car came to pick us up and drive us to the airport. We stood outside the airport as our baggage was unloaded from the black car. The night air was frigid on my tired face. I could see my breath in the cold night air. We entered the thankfully warmer airport and checked in our bags. Then we went through security and sat on a bench so my parents could get a snack. Then we set off for our gate. 

I boarded the plane in hope to get some sleep, it was after all still four in the morning, I was sadly mistaken for the seat I had chosen just had to be next to the loudest girls in the entire universe, my sisters Ella and Lucia. They talked and giggled and sniffled and coughed and sneezed and snored and talked some more. They argued about the window seat because Ella wouldn’t let Lucia see out the window, they argued about space because Lucia was napping and laying her head on Ella’s shoulder, and they argued about food because, “it was totally each others fault”, they were hungry and tired.

By the time we got to North Carolina, I was very, very tired and hungry. We ate at the worst restaurant in the entire universe and had the worst food in the world. After a three hour layover we boarded the plane to Costa Rica. My sisters fell asleep halfway into the ride! I just played Minecraft for the rest of the time we were on the plane. I stopped now and then to cover my sisters up with hoodies so they wouldn’t wake up and complain. Near the end of the ride Ella woke up and started complaining that her ears were hurting, but otherwise It was more enjoyable than the last ride. 

We arrived in sunny Costa Rica right on schedule and went through customs, got our baggage, and left the airport.  

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