Tuesday, January 24, 2017

From Swinging to Swimming

Our first adventure, Climb Nosara, a freestanding climbing tower near Del Mar Academy. I challenged myself to reach the top twice, telling myself "USE YOUR CORE! USE YOUR CORE!" Our guide Steve harnessed us up. We drove in Ms. Elizabeth's car down the dusty road to Playa Pelada. I got the privilege to spend some quality time with Ms. Elizabeth walking along the beach, sharing thoughts and taking in the salty ocean breeze. I observed a rock covered in hermit crabs and another shaped like a whale. Our pleasant beach outing was followed by a delicious lunch at the Harbor Reef Hotel.
Lucia, just hanging around.
Ella, determined to reach the top!
What goes up, must come down!

Playa Pelada

Natural Wonders - Blowholes

Pura Vida!

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