Friday, April 7, 2017


Limon, Costa Rica
Tortuguero, Costa Rica is a turtle nesting ground and a national park. It was the last destination of our two and one half month stay in Costa Rica. In Tortuguero you travel everywhere by boat, tiny speed boats that bounce on the waves. There are no highways, no cars. My travel tip for anyone planning to go to Tortuguero, if you get seasick easily, be wary.

We arrived in Tortuguero in the middle of the afternoon after a long bus ride to Limon, where we took an even longer boat ride The Pachira Lodge. The boat was tiny, like a elongated speed boat. My legs felt numb and squishy from being cramped and unused. My view was amazing though. I could see the green, grassy canal route easily. I even saw a hairy coconut, NO! A sloth, swimming across the canal! He is lucky he did not get eaten by a caiman or crocodile. Or maybe he did, after we left. The Pachira Lodge, where we were staying had several cabins. The lush rainforest was filled with Elephant Ear Plants, Boa Constrictors, Agouti's, Blue Jean Frogs, and Elegant Trogans.

As part of our tour, we visited the town of Tortuguero, where went to the Sea Turtle Conservancy which had a small turtle museum and was built on Tortuguero Beach. We watched a documentary about the Sea Turtle Conservancy, which protects and tracks Green Sea Turtles, Giant Leatherbacks, Hawksbill, and Loggerheads Turtles, all of which nest on Tortugero Beach. There was even a turtle adoption program. You donated money for the care and tracking of a sea turtle. In addition to providing care and resources, your funds let you watch the migration of your turtle.
Playa Tortuguero 

Finally, we went zip lining. We rode a boat to Aerial Trails Canopy Tours in the middle of the jungle. After we were harnessed we did a practice zip line before climbing a long ladder and zip lining over the rainforest canopy. It was exhilarating and amazing. I zipped over the trees like a bird. A big, roped, brown bird. The bad part was there were a lot of bugs, and by the end of the day we were covered in itchy bites.

Yes we had to climb this!
Ready for the sky